Archive for the ‘FD’ Tag

Informative review of FDT from a FlashDevelop user

I have recently switched from Windows back to Mac OSX. The thing I miss about Windows is using FlashDevelop: it’s free, it’s excellently made and it just suited me down to the ground. On OSX I have been using Eclipse 3.4 with the Flex Builder plugin and it has been good but not as good as FD. So…. basically, I am still on the hunt for a FD equivalent on OSX and I think I am going to give FDT a try. I found this useful guide/review to setting up FDT:-

So far I have found it very good although it keeps throwing a lot of annoying warnings for instances that are being declared by Flash on the stage but not in a class. I wonder if there is a way I can turn this off?