Archive for February, 2010|Monthly archive page

Make #FDT’s code assist more like #FlashDevelop’s

I love FDT but the main thing I miss from FlashDevelop is it’s amazing code assist functionality. My friend Darren B just showed me how to make FDT behave more like FD and I think it’s pretty close! Do the following:-

Window -> Preferences -> FDT -> Editor -> Code Assist -> Auto activation triggers for AS: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_.:

This will basically bring up the code assist upon any key press (rather than having to trigger it manually).

There are also a WEALTH of FDT customisation techniques to be found on this wonderful blog:-

I am starting to see that I am barely scratching the surface of the power contained within Eclipse and FDT.

Export shapes from Flash to Obj-C classes

I just saw an interesting retweet from Aral Balkan about as3swf. It’s an AIR app that can load up a swf and then spit out useable Objective-C UIView subclasses for use in iPhone development. Very nice.


Grant Skinner on the Future of Flash

Grant Skinner is one of my favourite Flash devs. His work, presentations and contributions to the Flash community are absolutely amazing. I have been looking forward to hearing his thoughts on the fascinating subject of the future of Flash. Unsuprisingly he gives a very intelligent, mature, balanced and thoughtful perspective. Enjoy.

#Jelly Coworking in Bristol

I spent yesterday at a Jelly Coworking event in Bristol at The Office Bristol. What is Jelly you may ask? (from their website):-

Jelly is a casual working event. It’s taken place in over a hundred cities where people have come together (in a person’s home, a coffee shop, or an office) to work for the day. We provide chairs and sofas, wireless internet, and interesting people to talk to, collaborate with, and bounce ideas off of.

You bring a laptop (or whatever you need to get your work done) and a friendly disposition.

The Bristol Events are organised by local Freelance Learning and Development Professional Lee Cottier and you can follow his Jelly tweets on @CoWorkingWest. It was my second Jelly event and I have really enjoyed both of them. As well as sitting there productively getting on with my own work, I have met numerous contacts, helped out and been helped by other local freelancers and homeworkers, and, made it into town for a refreshing change of scene from the usual work routine. There is coffee, tea and biscuits provided for a pound and I would thoroughly recommend the event to anyone who works from home or freelances – many thanks to Lee! And Lee, if you are reading this I forgot to give you a quid – oops, sorry – I’ll give you two next time 🙂

Excellent post on Flash, HTML5 and the future of web tech….

Just saw @nwebb post a link to Richard Leggett’s brilliantly written blog post – “The World is Moving to HTML 5” and Other Flights of Fancy:-

A fascinating read……